Got a new regiment count, but this time it is not 6-D, it is 7-D. Behold the Naq regiment, containing 31 members plus two pure compounds. Naq is the E7 polytope, aka xoo8oo. There are several fissaries that I haven't listed here yet. This one I done by hand, I also coined names. The spreadsheet is located at:
The facet regiments in naq are hep, gee, ril, hax (never activated), jak, tacup, hixip, and trapen (found only in the compound zeb). The ridge regiments are hix 1, hix 2, tac, rix, hin, hexip, dot (never active), penp, and tratet. The peak regiments are pen, hex, rap, ope, tepe, and thiddip. The spire regiments are tet, oct, trip, and cube (never active). Finally the 0-2 dimensional regiments are point; dyad; trig and square. One interesting note, there are 7 nobles here, 6 contains a member in the jak regiment for facets, the 7th (called que) has bill (member of the ril regiment) for facets. I have yet to check for subsymmetrics.