string theory BAD

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string theory / M theory

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string theory BAD

Postby batmanmg » Thu Aug 31, 2006 6:27 am

i think that what string theory has done is instead of answering an unsolved mystery, it has intead opened the doorway to too many more self contained myteryies that need even more doorways to explain...

this doesn't mean that i don't find any of the information set forth by string theory to be valid... just that it isn't actualy acomplishing its goal...

im also not saying that its not worth persuing. I very much is since the reward far outweighs the pitfals and issues that come with it...

also i have a secrete dream to be a pioneer in the theory that replaces string or M theory as the top candidate for the "theory of everything" since being one in M theory's race, even if i was a very quick learner, would leave me more or less in zeno's paradox of the rabit and the tortus. (i hope i got that reference right) only the tortus is actualy pretty fast too.
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